Blog Roll

If you like my blog, check out these other ones that you might enjoy.  There is everything from food, to fashion! Bellow are some of my favorites:

  • Betches Love This Site: For any "betch" out there with edge and confidence
  • Boston Tweet: Everything you'd ever need to know about what's going on in Boston
  • Jenna Marbles: A (sometimes) crass girl, with a lot of opinions
  • Kiss my Spatula: Absolutely beautiful photography combined with delicious recipes
  • My My Mode: A Parisian girl's guide to unique and beautiful European fashion
  • OMGBekah: Hilarious college girl, with a sassy perspective on life
  • Sassy So Be Girl: Lindsay from #bunewmedia gives great workout advice, with matching up-beat songs to guarantee fitness results
  • Serving up the Spin: Madison from #bunewmedia offers a hilarious perspective, comparing PR and waitressing
  • Total Sorority Move:  Because life is just so difficult in pearls and daddy's BMW
  • Viva Fashion Blog: A great guide to fashion on a budget